See the calendar below to view upcoming classes and seminars. Additional seminars will be added as need dictates.
There is currently info about the New Jersey SFPE meetings, it’s not expensive to join and it helps add up your CPD’s. There is a one hour technical presentation at each meeting and an all day Spring Technical Seminar. There is a list of the NFPA Seminars that will be in the New Jersey area and finally a link to NAFED who provides the training for Pre-Engineered Kitchen Hood Systems and Hand Held Extinguishers for those with “All Permits”.
We can only offer what YOU ask for. Contact your Board of Directors; tell us what you feel will best serve you and your staff. Any classes offered by National can be held here, in NJ or if your company is large enough at your site. Please go to the National site using the link on our home page, if you see anything you think will help you and your employees contact your AFAA NJ Board of Directors.
We will try to keep updated links and information on training programs offered by your AFAA of NJ, the National AFAA, other organizations such as SFPE, NJBFAA, NFPA, FSSA, NJ NAFED, ASCET and our New York and Pennsylvania sister chapters.
NJESA Fire Alarm Related Training
The New Jersey Electronic Security Association offers training to members of the AFAANJ at their member rates, as we do for them. The AFAANJ cannot guarantee the content of all of the courses provided by the NJESA as some are presented through the AFAA and others are not. However, they all provide you with the CPDs needed for NICET Certification, your NJ Division of Community Affairs Fire Alarm Permit, or Division of Consumer Affairs Fire Alarm License. Click here to view current training offerings of the NJESA.
AFAANJ has developed a good relationship with the NJESA and we are working together and doubling our efforts toward life safety in a more organized manner. AFAANJ thanks the NJESA for inviting us to their Trade Show.
Bob Shoremount’s Training
Bob Shoremount of the Strandberg Consulting Group offers numerous training courses. First and foremost he offers Dept. of Consumer Affairs mandated training, secondly he offers business and other training.
Bob can be reached at 908-637-8557
His email is
His Web Site has launched! has launched! Register now to have visibility and access to new NJ Approved CEU courses for fire alarm, burglar alarm and locksmith licensees.
PA Regional Automatic Fire Alarm Association
Click Here for latest training in PA
The New Jersey Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers meets the first Monday of each month excluding July and August. Membership is only $20.00 per year and dinner meetings $30.00.
Each meeting starts with a Social Hour: cash bar at 5:00 PM followed at 6:00 with our meeting and a one-hour seminar. We are very lucky in NJ to have members that are some of the leading authorities in the field of Fire Detection, Fire Suppression, Risk Analysis and other life safety related technical topics. The NJ SFPE tries to have one field trip each year. Attendance at these meetings as well as membership provides CPD’s for your NICET Certification or NJ DCA Permits. The NJ SFPE holds a one-day technical seminar and trade show each spring.
Contact: Vicki Serafin, Affiliated FM, 400 Interpace Parkway, Bldg. C – 3rd Floor, Parsippany, NJ 07054-1196, Phone 973-541-6771, Fax 973-541-6909. Meetings are held at the Hanover Manor, 16 Eagle Rock Ave, East Hanover, NJ 07936. Click here for a map.
NFPA CFPS (Certified Fire Protection Specialist) Program
As a fire protection professional you shoulder tremendous responsibility in curtailing physical and financial loss due to fire. The CFPS credential serves as a distinguished mark of achievement within the field of fire protection. The CFPS examination relies on the comprehensive 2-volume, 200-chapter NFPA Fire Protection Handbook as its body of knowledge. If you are serious about your career in fire protection, you need to be familiar with the Fire Protection Handbook. This primer course will help you become more proficient with the handbook, saving you time while looking up vital information.
Click here to go the the NFPA for additional information.
New Jersey NJAFED
This training is a must for those with ‘All’ Permits or simply Portable Fire Extinguisher and or Pre-Engineered Kitchen System Permits.
The National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED) (New Jersey chapter NJAFED) was established in 1963 with the mission of continuously improving the economic environment, business performance, and technical competence in the fire protection industry.
Click here to go the the NAFED for additional information.
New Jersey Electronic Security Association
The New Jersey Electronic Security Association offers training to members of the AFAANJ at their member rates, as we do for them. The AFAANJ cannot guarantee the content of all of the courses provided by the NJESA as some are presented through the AFAA and others are not. However, they all provide you with the CPDs needed for NICET Certification, your NJ Division of Community Affairs Fire Alarm Permit, or Division of Consumer Affairs Fire Alarm License.
AFAANJ has developed a good relationship with the NJESA and we are working together and doubling our efforts toward life safety in a more organized manner.
Click here to view the current training offerings of the NJESA.