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Change POTS to MFVN permit
DCA-DCS stand on CI Cable
UL GuideInfo Electrical Circuit Protective Systems
UL Guide Info Fire-resistive Cable
Changes to the 2015 I-Codes
SENATE, No. 548
If you’re not aware there was a law that died some years ago that would have mandated that most anyone that touched or tested an automatic sprinkler or clean agent suppression system be a Journeyman Sprinkler Fitter. Your AFAANJ fought this bill; however, there are whispers it is back with a new name. The AFAANJ […]
Home Fire Sprinkler System Guidance Document
Today the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Codes and Standards issued a guidance document to code officials with regards to home fire sprinkler systems. Essentially the guidance document utilizes the language of the 2009 Model International Residential Code (IRC) recognizing the use of NFPA-13D or IRC P2904 Fire Sprinkler systems […]
Effective, Feb. 20, 2007, New Jersey has adopted the 2006 IBC with the following technical amendments:
A companion change to N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.7 is proposed to reference the requirement for suppression of high-rise buildings. Finally, there is a proposed amendment to N.J.A.C. 5:70-4.17, applicable to all high-rise buildings,including those built in compliance with the UCC. The comment period for this proposal has been extended to December 17, 2007 by the Department of […]
New NO Verification ordinance in Cresskill, NJ
Below is information on a new NO Verification ordinance in Cresskill, NJ. On October 3, 2012, Ordinance # 12-15-1436 was passed and now became law. The passage for this ordinance reads as follows: “All persons and/or agencies responsible for monitoring automatic fire alarms and/or fire suppression systems located within the Borough of Cresskill shall immediately […]