Many of you will remember Mike Baker, who served as AFAA Training Director from 2002-2012. He was recently diagnosed with cancer. Please see link below for more information :
AFAANJ Opposition of A-3666 Please download, edit and send your comments.
DCA DFS Standards for Fire Alarm Certification
New York City Updates
2008 and 2011 Code – On-line Updates are Live as well as current updates The one year amnesty period for porting over from the 1968 to the 2008 Building Codes over! NY City is not using the amended the 2008 Code. These amendments are posted on line, these changes and amendments are available using the […]
UCC Construction Code Communicator Index
Subchapter 4 Retrofit Requirements for Nightclubs
NY State Spklr Law Shot Down
NY Gov has the courage to fight unions and kill a bad bill life safety is more important! VETO MESSAGE – No. 129 TO THE ASSEMBLY: I am returning herewith, without my approval, the following bill: Assembly Bill Number 6209 entitled: “An Act to amend the labor law, in relation to the supervision of fire […]